10DLC Brand Vetting on Portal | Telnyx Release Notes

19, May 2021

We’re excited to announce that our Mission Control Portal will now support the vetting of your 10DLC brand.

T-Mobile - Number Pool Request Form

10-digit long code, or 10DLC, is a carrier-led initiative aimed to increase transparency in the messaging ecosystem and allow businesses to send high throughput A2P messages at low costs. Here is an overview of what customers will be able to do with this new feature:

  • Request to vet their 10DLC brand
  • A $40 vetting charge will be applied to your portal balance as soon as the request goes through
  • See their brand score before and after vetting
  • Create campaigns that are attached to their newly vetted brand

Who needs to vet their brand?

Immediately after creating a campaign, a brand is given a brand score. The Campaign Registry recently notified us that this brand score is actually ignored and the brand is treated as a lowest tier brand, unless the company is in Russell 3000. Therefore, we highly recommend customers to vet their brand, because it will likely result in a higher brand score, which leads to higher throughputs.

While vetting is not guaranteed to improve your brand score, in our experience all scores have improved. A brand score is one of the main criteria that carriers use to determine message throughput (both messages per second and daily brand limitation). We recommend that all customers vet their brand to improve their odds of having the highest throughputs possible for their campaigns.

What if I already created campaigns?

If you have already created campaigns prior to vetting your brand, the throughput limitations will reflect this original brand score. Therefore, we recommend that customers vet their brand before creating any additional campaigns. However, there is a manual process to process campaigns that were created before vetting that we can help to assist with.

You can get started by logging into your Portal account, registering a brand, opening that brand page, and completing the “Vetting Request” section.

10DLC portal vetting