We've made changes to our Outbound Voice Profile creation experience in the Mission Control Portal so it's easier for you to create and edit profiles. As a result of these changes, Legacy Conversational Outbound Voice Profiles will be migrated to the new Profile type soon.
We've simplified the options to choose from for Traffic Types, and combined our US and International service plans into one global offering, with one rate deck. As a result of these changes, we are beginning to migrate Legacy Conversational Profiles to the new experience.
Outbound Voice Profiles with the Conversational traffic type who are currently on any of:
service plans will be affected regardless of their existing payment method. In addition, legacy Conversational Outbound Voice Profiles currently using the flat or tariff rate decks will also be affected.
Each Legacy Conversational Outbound Voice Profile will be migrated to a profile with the following parameters:
Conversational Outbound Voice Profiles with a US48/CAN Service Plan will be migrated to Conversational Global with Allowed Destinations defaulting to the US lower 48 states and Canada.
Conversational with International Service Plan will be migrated to Conversational Global and will inherit all the Allowed Destinations.
The price for US and international outbound calls is now available in one rate deck and each profile will default to this new Global Conversational deck. This deck can be found in the Pricing section of the Mission Control Portal under "Global Conversational".
All Connections assigned to the Outbound Voice Profile will remain unchanged, as will all other settings of the Outbound Voice Profile not featured in the release notes.
We encourage you to migrate these Outbound Voice Profiles by yourself at a time that is convenient and suitable for your needs. However, Legacy Conversational Outbound Voice Profiles left un-migrated will be automatically migrated on September 22, 2020, at 13:00 CST.
For more information on Outbound Voice Profiles, talk to our experts.