Updates to Porting Endpoints

10, Jan 2022

You will now receive additional parameters in your porting endpoints.

New parameters to be included in v2/porting_orders endpoint are as follows:

  • description: describes the numbers contained within the order
  • Within the phone_numbers array:
    • phone_number_type: more information about the number
    • porting_order_status: status of the port order that the number is attached to
  • support_key: identifier for the order the number is attached to

Similarly, the following parameters will be added to each TN record in v2/porting_phone_numbers endpoint:

  • phone_number_type: more information about the number
  • porting_order_status: status of the port order that the number is attached to
  • support_key: identifier for the order the number is attached to

You can also narrow your search results with additional filter options we are adding to this endpoint:

  • filter[porting_order_id][in][]
  • filter[support_key][eq]
  • filter[support_key][in][]
  • filter[phone_number][in][]
  • filter[porting_order_status][eq]