Seamless Data Transition with Telnyx

27, Aug 2023

Update regarding our bucket region availability and migration which will take effect on September 5th, 2023:

Current process

Currently, Telnyx Storage allows you to specify the region of a bucket from a list of specific locations.

Upcoming change

In order to increase resiliency, we are moving from a location-specific model to a more general region-based model. As a part of that move, we are reducing the number of currently-available location tags to just one: us-central-1. The data itself will not be moved from its current location as part of this process. We will make additional regions available for the remainder of the year.

  1. New bucket creation: When creating new buckets, our US Central storage location is the default:
    • us-central-1 is the only valid value for {{region}} when creating a bucket request
    • An error will be returned if any other value for {{region}} is chosen
  2. Existing buckets: In the coming months, all existing buckets in Telnyx Storage will be migrated to our US Central storage location according to the following schedule.

Implementation date

Date Time
2023/09/05 1000 UTCus-central-1 will be the only valid region for CreateBucket operation.
2023/09/07 1000 UTCbuckets with Denver, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, and Phoenix as location will be migrated to us-central-1.
2023/09/11 1000 UTCbuckets with Atlanta as location will be migrated to us-central-1.
2023/09/13 1000 UTCbuckets with Dallas as location will be migrated to us-central-1.

Please note:

  • Customers will not be charged for this operation.
  • The availability of the API or object will not be affected.
  • Customer data will not be moved.

If you have any questions…

If you have questions about these changes or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team using the chat icon in the lower right corner of the screen in the Mission Control Portal, calling +1 (888) 980-9750, or emailing [email protected]. We are here to ensure a smooth transition and to provide any support you may require.

We are confident that this update will enhance your experience with Telnyx Storage.