Telnyx Wireless has Officially Launched

14, Sep 2020

We’re super excited to announce the official launch of our latest product—Wireless, the global IoT connectivity solution that gives developers more control than any alternative.

You can now build and scale revolutionary IoT applications using a simple API and self-service platform. Telnyx Wireless also offers:

  • Out-of-the-box global connectivity across over 500 networks.
  • Unmatched network redundancy and control.
  • Premium network security with private LTE networks.
  • Affordable, easy to understand pricing.

How do I get started using Telnyx Wireless?

To get started, simply place an order for your Telnyx Wireless SIM Cards. Once you’ve received your SIMs, follow the six easy steps in this quickstart guide to start using your data.

You’ll find tutorials and product information in our Developer Center, plus complete API reference documentation.

If you have any questions along the way, get in touch with our technical experts via our dedicated developer slack channel.