International Numbering

Last updated 8 May 2024

International Number Search and Order Made Easy


By Fiona McDonnell

Buy numbers all around the world

As we at Telnyx have continued to expand our product offering and services outside of the US, we realized that our International Number Search and Order process needed a facelift.

While we have always boasted a wide range of international numbers, the original process for ordering these numbers was a bit manual for both our users and our support team.

In order to streamline International Number Search and Order, our teams have been working on augmenting the existing API, adding a new API endpoint, and improving the UI in Mission Control. The resulting changes will automate the process and give users instant visibility into the required documentation, end-user information, and emergency services requirement to purchase and activate international numbers. Ultimately, we have decreased the time to provide the numbers and simplified user interaction.

Users purchasing international numbers will now be able to:

  1. Query for document requirements via API by country and number type
  2. Reserve their desired numbers for a period of up to 48 hours while gathering the required information and documents
  3. Submit information and required documents via the API and portal
  4. Be notified and alerted on the imminent expiration of reservation period
  5. Be notified and alerted on the success or failure of activating the desired numbers.

Updating the API and adding new features will make bulk number ordering a whole lot easier and faster in international markets. If you’re ready to try it out, head over to our Developer Center where you’ll find all the documents to get started.

If you have questions about our international offering, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the Telnyx team.

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