
Last updated 23 Jun 2022

SHAKEN/STIR Deadlines and Enforcement


By Fiona McDonnell

June 30th 2021 SHAKEN/STIR Deadline

SHAKEN/STIR is a call authentication framework that came into effect at the end of June 2021. The FCC has mandated that voice service providers implement the framework to help combat a rising number of robocalls made over IP networks. The new requirement means that affected businesses will have to make significant changes to their networks and practices. Here we’ll answer some questions you may have.

Is SHAKEN/STIR Already Implemented?

Yes, SHAKEN/STIR came into effect on June 30th, 2021 for US- IP service providers.

Steps You Need to Take for Implementation

Unless you are a service provider that plans to sign your own calls, there is nothing you need to do. Telnyx has worked diligently to meet the SHAKEN/STIR implementation deadline of June 30th, 2021, and we are now fully SHAKEN/STIR compliant*.

If you are a service provider that is going to sign your own calls you’ll need to follow some steps before you can do so. You can find a more detailed list of requirements in our previous post.

*Telnyx will sign and attest to any outbound call that is not signed by our customer. Customers, however, should be aware of any applicable regulatory requirements to directly participate in the SHAKEN/STIR ecosystem and to sign their own calls as mandated by the Federal Communications Commission. Telnyx will pass SHAKEN signatures along that we receive in any outbound calls.

How will SHAKEN/STIR be Enforced?

Providers are required to file a robocall mitigation plan to prove they are compliant with the framework. If a provider does not file the plan, intermediate and terminating providers will be required to block calls from that provider.

Is it Possible to Get Exempt?

Currently, there are 4 scenarios that are exempt from implementing SHAKEN/STIR.

  1. Non-IP Parts of Networks In its current form, SHAKEN/STIR only applies to the IP portion of a provider's network.

  2. Provider’s that are not able to obtain SPC Tokens. If a provider is not able to obtain the SPC toKENs that are necessary for SHAKEN/STIR, then that provider is exempt from participating in the framework. Calls originating on that provider's network can be authenticated by the next carrier and will most likely receive a lower attestation level than the originating provider could provide.

  3. Small Providers The FCC has stated that providers with less than 100,000 subscriber lines have until June 30th, 2022 to become SHAKEN/STIR compliant.

  4. Services that are subject to discontinuance Providers with services that are subject to a pending Section 214 discontinuance as of June 30, 2021, have an additional year to implement STIR/SHAKEN for those services.


More recently, the FCC has stated that small Service Providers need to sign their own calls. Since June 30, 2022, small service providers are expected to sign their outbound calls with their own SHAKEN tokens. Telnyx will continue to sign calls we receive that are unsigned, but Telnyx is not responsible for your compliance with FCC regulations.

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