Telnyx Wireless users can now find and troubleshoot connectivity issues more easily with insight into SIM activity directly from the Telnyx mobile core.
Push Notifications allow users to read messages from apps, without having to actually open the application.
Telnyx customers can now control and monitor data usage on a per-SIM-card basis and on SIM groups.
Add your allowed IP addresses to your Mission Control Portal account.
Dynamic e911 provides accurate location information at the time of an emergency call using Dynamic Location Routing.
Make more accurate classifications with premium Answering Machine Detection from Telnyx
We’re opening our latest Video product to beta users
We've updated our Number Search and Order APIs to make it even easier to buy numbers, all around the world.
We've added two new verstat parameters to give you more insights into SHAKEN/STIR call verification and attestation results.
You can now view your SHAKEN/STIR call attestations.
With the beta release of the Detail Record Search API, developers can find call detail records (CDRs), message detail records (MDRs) and WhatsApp message records with simple commands and filtering.
Upload, store & serve media in your calls, texts and faxes.