Integrations • Last Updated 6/15/2024

Zapier Integration Guide: Text to Email

This guide will help you set up text messaging forwarding to your email.

By Tony Furnas

Zapier intergration graphic

In this guide you’ll learn how to set up a Zapier integration to forward inbound text messages to your email account. See more messaging guides in our developer center.

Step 1: Get set up with the Telnyx Integration on Zapier

Make sure that you’ve signed up for a Zapier account and that you have at least one phone number that is messaging enabled before proceeding.

Follow this link to find the Telnyx Zapier integration and click the connect button to get started.

Step 2: Create your first Zap

Let’s go ahead and make your first Zap!

Make sure you’re at the Zapier homepage. In the top right corner, click the “Make a Zap!” button.

Choose Telnyx as the trigger App. If it’s not already in your list of triggers, you can search for it.

Click on the “Choose Trigger Event” dropdown and select “Receive a Message”.

Click Continue.

In the “Choose Account” dropdown menu, select the account you’d like to use for receiving messages.

Click Continue

Click Find Message to test your connection and pull in a sample inbound message webhook to set up the action stage. If successful, you’ll move on to the Action step ("Do This …").

Step 3: Integrate the Zap with your Email

In the “Do This …” step search for your email provider, in this example, we’ll be using Gmail.

Choose the “Send an email” action.

Click Continue.

Choose an existing gmail account, or follow the directions to link a new account

Enter the email where you’d like to receive copies of your inbound messages

Add Cc or Bcc as you wish

Choose your email address as the to address

For subject, enter something unique (you most likely will want to filter this subject out from your inbox)


Click Continue

Step 4: Make sure you test your Zap

Test and Continue

Turn on the Zap

You've now set up a quick way to forward inbound messages from your Telnyx number to your real number.

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