
Last updated 20 Jun 2024

How to Debug Your Communications in our Portal

By Odhran Reidy

Mission control debugging graphic

If you've ever tried to debug API-based communications, you know it can be a daunting process. Working in the command line, finding and exporting webhook logs, parsing walls of text for the one piece of information you really need... It's all a little tedious.

Here at Telnyx, we think it should be easier for you to find issues in your communications app, even if you're not an expert developer.

That's why we built easy-to-use debugging tools right into the Mission Control Portal.

→ Want to get right to it and try them out for yourself? Create an account today!

These new tools make it easier than ever to analyze, inspect, and debug your communications. We've built them into the Mission Control Portal - where you already go to analyze and configure everything about your calls, messages, faxes, and more.

These tools are available for TeXML, our simple XML-based scripting language, and for our Programmable Fax API.

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The process couldn't be simpler - watch our 3-minute demo video to see webhook debugging for TeXML in action:

The video demonstrates a simple TeXML application, configured to answer incoming calls, play some text to speech, and hang up. You can build a similar application in 20 minutes by following our quickstart guide.

TeXML applications require a webhook URL to be supplied in the portal. When this URL is live, the TeXML application sends webhooks to the URL, containing information about incoming calls. In this demo, the webhook URL is offline, leading to a 404 not found error when attempting to send webhooks to the URL.

The video shows just how easy it is to discover and isolate this error using our portal. The most recent TeXML events show up automatically in the debugging view, and it's simple to dive in, view all of the webhooks sent by Telnyx, and the status of each of these webhooks. The debugging view even shows the 404 response received from the webhook URL!

If you're curious about how these new debugging tools can help you build a next-gen communications app with Telnyx, get in touch with our experts today.

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