SIP Trunking • Last Updated 8/16/2024

How the UK PSTN shutdown can help your business

It’s time to make the move from copper cable telephony to an internet-based communication system.


By Fiona McDonnell

The United Kingdom is on the brink of a major telecommunications transformation: the shutdown of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) by 2027. While this change may seem daunting, it actually presents opportunities for businesses to modernize, streamline operations, and enhance communication capabilities.

Why is the PSTN being turned off?

The PSTN, an analog network that's been the backbone of voice communications for decades, is reaching the end of its life. Openreach, the company responsible for the UK's telecom infrastructure, plans to transition all customers to digital voice services by January 2027. But why?

Aging infrastructure

The PSTN infrastructure is decades old and increasingly difficult and expensive to maintain. Many of the components used in the network are now obsolete, making repairs and replacements challenging.

Those obsolete components make maintaining the PSTN increasingly cost-prohibitive for telecom providers. The shift to digital technology reduces maintenance costs and enables the delivery of more cost-effective services to consumers and businesses.

Shift to digital technology

The world is moving toward digital communication, and the PSTN is analog. Digital alternatives, like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offer more features, flexibility, and efficiency. The shift to digital is part of a broader move toward modernizing telecommunications infrastructure, ensuring better quality and more reliable services.

Improved services and capabilities

Digital networks provide enhanced services that the PSTN simply can’t offer. These include higher-quality voice calls, integration with other digital services, and advanced features like video conferencing and instant messaging. The transition allows telecom providers to offer a more comprehensive and modern suite of communication tools.

These improvements will also make the UK’s telecommunications network more future-proof. By adopting digital technologies, the UK can ensure that its infrastructure can support future innovations and meet the growing demand for data and high-quality communication services.

Regulatory and market pressures

Regulatory bodies like Ofcom, as well as market pressures, are also driving the shutdown. There’s a push toward more efficient, reliable digital communication systems to keep up with global standards and consumer expectations.

Ultimately, the UK’s transition will replace an outdated, costly, and increasingly inefficient system with modern, digital alternatives that offer better performance, flexibility, and future readiness.

What will replace the PSTN in the UK?

VoIP technology and other digital communication systems will replace the PSTN. These technologies are set to become the new standard for voice and data communication as the PSTN is phased out. Here's a closer look at what will replace the PSTN:


VoIP technology allows voice communication to be carried over the internet rather than traditional telephone lines. It converts voice signals into digital data, which can be transmitted via broadband connections. VoIP offers several advantages over PSTN, including:

  • Flexibility: Can be used from any location with an internet connection, enabling remote work and mobility.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Often offers lower call rates, particularly for international calls, and reduces the need for extensive physical infrastructure.
  • Enhanced features: Provide advanced functionalities like voicemail to email, call forwarding, video conferencing, and integration with other digital tools.

All-IP networks

All-IP (Internet Protocol) networks support voice communication, as well as data, video, and other digital services, all over a unified infrastructure. The transition to an All-IP environment simplifies the network architecture and allows for more efficient and scalable communication services.

Fiber broadband and 5G

Fiber broadband and 5G networks provide the necessary infrastructure for VoIP and other digital services. They offer faster, more reliable connections than the traditional copper-based PSTN.

  • Fiber broadband: Provides high-speed internet, which is essential for the effective functioning of VoIP and other digital communication tools.
  • 5G: The next generation of mobile networks offers faster speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity, supporting the increasing demand for data-driven communication.

Unified Communications (UC) platforms

Unified Communications platforms integrate various communication methods, such as voice, video, messaging, and collaboration tools, into a single platform. These platforms often use VoIP as a core technology and are becoming the standard in business communications, replacing the need for separate systems.

Digital voice services

Telecom providers like BT and others are introducing digital voice services, which are essentially VoIP-based solutions. These services are designed to replace traditional landlines and offer a seamless transition for users who still rely on voice communication as a primary service.

Mobile networks

For some users, particularly those in residential or small business settings, mobile networks will increasingly serve as a replacement for traditional landlines. With the ongoing improvements in mobile coverage and the advent of 5G, mobile phones are becoming a viable alternative to fixed-line telephony.

All of these new technologies will provide more advanced, flexible, secure, and cost-effective communication solutions for both businesses and consumers.

How will switching to IP-based communications benefit businesses?

The transition to IP-based communications offers significant advantages for businesses. It will position them for future success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Here’s how making the switch can benefit your business:

Future-proof your communications infrastructure

Switching to IP-based communications is a strategic move to ensure that your business is prepared for the future. As traditional PSTN lines are phased out, adopting modern, digital alternatives will keep your business at the forefront of technology. This transition aligns your communication infrastructure with current trends and ensures that your business can easily adapt to future technological advancements.

Reliable connectivity and reduced downtime

With IP-based communications, businesses can expect more reliable connectivity and fewer instances of downtime. Unlike traditional PSTN, which relies on aging infrastructure prone to failures, IP-based systems are built on modern, resilient networks. This reliability is crucial for providing uninterrupted service to your customers, enhancing their experience and satisfaction.

Cost savings and financial efficiency

One of the most immediate benefits of moving to IP-based communications is the cost savings associated with the reduction or elimination of PSTN-related expenses. IP-based systems typically require less physical infrastructure, which translates to lower maintenance costs. Additionally, many providers offer pay-as-you-go models, allowing businesses to pay only for what they use. This flexible pricing structure can lead to significant savings, positively impacting your bottom line.

Increased flexibility and scalability

IP-based communications provide businesses with the flexibility and scalability needed to respond to changing demands. For example, provisioning new numbers or adding more SIP lines can be done in a matter of minutes, allowing your business to scale up quickly during periods of increased demand. This agility is a significant advantage in today’s fast-paced business environment, where the ability to adapt rapidly is often a key to success.

Consolidate your communications with Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) options

The BYOC model allows businesses to choose a carrier that integrates seamlessly with the UC platforms they already use and trust. This flexibility means you can manage all your communications—voice, video, messaging, and more—on a single platform, streamlining operations and reducing complexity. By consolidating your communication tools under one roof, you can achieve greater efficiency and enhance your team’s productivity. This consolidation can be especially helpful for enterprises with a large global footprint who need local numbers and calling capabilities in multiple markets.

Ultimately, switching to IP-based communications is more than a response to the impending PSTN shutdown. It’s an opportunity to enhance your business operations, reduce costs, and position your company for long-term success.

Preparing your business for the transition

To maximize the benefits of the PSTN shutdown, businesses should take proactive steps:

  • Assess current infrastructure: Understand what parts of your communication systems rely on PSTN. This includes not just phones but also alarms, fax machines, and payment terminals.
  • Choose the right digital solution: Research and select a VoIP provider that aligns with your business needs. Consider factors like scalability, features, customer support, and pricing.
  • Train your staff: Ensure employees are comfortable with the new systems. Offer training sessions to familiarize them with new features and functionalities.
  • Update related systems: Remember that devices like alarms or payment terminals might also need upgrades to be compatible with digital networks.

With these preparations made, you’ll be able to reap all the benefits the transition to modern digital comms infrastructure.

Choose the best digital provider for your business

As the UK prepares for the PSTN shutdown, businesses face a pivotal moment to modernize their communication infrastructure. This transition isn't just a technical upgrade. It's a strategic opportunity to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure your business is ready for the future. By embracing IP-based communications, you can unlock a suite of benefits—from reliable connectivity and scalability to significant cost savings. This change positions your business to operate more smoothly and respond swiftly to evolving demands, all while maintaining a high standard of service for your customers.

Telnyx understands the importance of this transition. As a leading global VoIP provider with extensive experience in delivering reliable, scalable communication solutions, we’re here to support your business every step of the way. Our VoIP services, fully-featured numbers, and easy setup make the switch from PSTN seamless so your business stays connected and competitive. With 24/7 support and a future-focused approach, Telnyx can be your trusted partner in navigating the UK's digital transformation.

Whether you need local phone numbers in the UK or global coverage in EMEA and beyond, Telnyx offers the flexibility and quality your business deserves.

Contact our team to start making the transition to digital with Telnyx.

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