Conversational AI

Last updated 10 May 2024

VIDEO: Helping Replicant Build Contact Centers

By Odhran Reidy


Watch Replicant explain how Telnyx helped build their Contact Center

Replicant powers the world's first autonomous contact center, providing conversational AI solutions and AI voice responders to revolutionize customer experience (CX).

Watch a clip from our interview with CTO and co-founder, Benjamin Gleitzman, to learn about Replicant's vision for the contact center of the future:

For Replicant, easing the burden on strained contact centers is an immediate goal that lays a roadmap for how the contact center of the future might look:

"I believe our technology, in partnership with Telnyx as a telephony provider, is exactly what today's unpredictable world needs. At Replicant, we're developing new ways to stay connected and communicate in a world that really needs more connection than ever, especially in customer service. We're making it possible to answer every customer service call so that you can receive high-quality customer service despite otherwise really long hold times from compromised call centers."

While the company's future focus hints at even more advanced AI capabilities, the fundamentals of scalable, elastic, and resilient telephony services will remain a critical factor in providing a truly modern customer service:

"We're giving companies the ability to deliver elastic capacity, address shifting customer demand, scale-up, scale-down, and be able to not only handle but actually fully triage, support and answer call flows, so you get an always-on customer service."

Learn more about how Telnyx helped Replicant quickly adapt to solving call center capacity issues by watching a recording of our webinar with Replicant's founders. Watch the full video interview from above, and learn more about Replicant's partnership with Telnyx in our Customer Story.

Check out our full webinar with Replicant here:

Interested in learning more about how to fortify your contact center's communications against unprecedented demand? Let's talk.

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