customer story



Improvement in messaging throughput


Savings on Messaging Costs


Response times from Telnyx’s expert engineers

Two-way customer engagement with AI

42Chat is at the forefront of using conversational AI to use text as a two-way customer engagement channel for their clients. 42Chat’s solutions deliver a staggering 95% correct response rate with instant answers in just three seconds. Their platform stands out, providing not only fast and accurate chatbots but also helping their clients enhance and protect their brand, gain and retain customers, and capture and act on insights.

Prior to their collaboration with Telnyx, 42Chat utilized services from a well-known SMS marketing platform. However, they constantly grappled with issues, particularly in terms of the messaging throughput, responsiveness of support, and cost-effectiveness.

Doubling toll-free messaging throughput

42Chat's shift to Telnyx was driven by the desire for enhanced support and assured business continuity. Additionally, Telnyx's simplified Toll-Free Verification process was a significant draw, eliminating much of the troubleshooting previously required. The change to Telnyx brought tangible benefits for 42Chat. They found it considerably easier to get content approved and deploy solutions at a faster rate.

Notably, message throughput—a critical need for 42Chat—more than doubled. The streamlined processes provided by Telnyx, especially in toll-free verification and 10DLC registration, made a clear difference. 42Chat's toll-free messaging capacity saw a remarkable increase, jumping from 3MPS to an impressive 20MPS. This increase was achieved without the need for any special negotiations—a unique advantage compared to other vendors.

A bright future for bots with Telnyx

Looking toward the future, 42Chat has ambitious plans. They've become a leading provider of curated conversational AI chatbots for businesses of all types and are experiencing exponential growth. They're also gearing up to enhance their capability to deploy large batches of numbers at an accelerated pace.

According to a senior manager at 42Chat, "Telnyx's portal is simple to use and reliable. When issues arise, they're swift to act. That's where they truly shine for our business."

If you're looking for reliable Messaging solutions to support your notification and SaaS solution needs, check out our developer docs or reach out to a member of our team today.


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