customer story



hours of developer time saved each week (average)


notifications sent to candidates daily


reduction in Messaging Costs

Solving job advertising at scale

Advertising to candidates across multiple channels is a core requirement for many businesses. Yet many companies find this process overwhelming, with multiple job boards and contact channels to take care of for tens, hundreds, or even thousands of openings per organization.

Talentify is a platform that helps organizations advertise job openings to potential candidates across various channels, including social media, search engines, and job boards.

Using notifications to improve candidate engagement and experience

To improve engagement and hiring outcomes, Talentify uses Telnyx's 10DLC service to manage the purchase of phone numbers for SMS campaigns.

With Telnyx's 10DLC service, Talentify is able to register specific numbers for each client and gain complete control over their campaign's health and performance. The platform also allows Talentify to send SMS messages using 10DLC numbers to drive conversion for candidates who have initiated an application for a job opening and generate engagement for these candidates in more job opportunities.

Saving valuable development hours and increasing control

Before using Telnyx, Talentify was using other messaging platforms, but they were concerned about the lack of control and automation. When looking for a new platform, Talentify needed a provider with a strong market reputation, competitive pricing, and services that would allow them to automate as many of their needs as possible. Telnyx met all their criteria, and Talentify was impressed with the freedom they have in using Telnyx's APIs and administrative dashboard.

Since moving to Telnyx, Talentify has been able to better manage the health of their numbers in real time and purchase, configure, and activate new numbers for their clients in record time. These improvements have given them greater flexibility and control over their SMS campaigns, allowing them to focus on generating results and avoiding any potential delivery or performance issues. Talentify has also saved hours per week on SMS administration, reducing stress levels for their technical team.

A bright future partnering with Telnyx

Overall, Talentify has had a fantastic experience with Telnyx. They were particularly satisfied with the speed and quality of support as well as the platform's reliability and depth of control.

In the future, Talentify plans to expand their integration with Telnyx and use more of their services. They're confident their partnership with Telnyx will continue to help them deliver impactful SMS campaigns and improve their customers' hiring outcomes.

"We are very satisfied with our partnership with Telnyx," they say. "The platform's reliability and real-time control over our numbers have allowed us to quickly address any issues and avoid any delivery or performance problems. Telnyx has been instrumental in streamlining our SMS marketing efforts, allowing us to deliver more targeted and impactful messages to our customers."

If you're looking for reliable Messaging solutions to support your notification and SaaS solution needs, check out our developer docs or reach out to a member of our team today.


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