We’re excited to announce a new version of our Telnyx WebRTC and JavaScript SDK is now generally available.
You’ll now be able to access more real-time information about your outbound calls — including if they’ve been answered by a machine or human and when an answering machine greeting ends.
We’re excited to announce a new Voice feature: Park Outbound Calls. This feature is now available in the Mission Control Portal and Telnyx API.
The Park Outbound Calls feature provides a simple mechanism for users to “park” their outbound calls instead of connecting them to their destination. The call then awaits further orders from its connected application.
Zone Based Billing - ZBB - is now live in Mission Control.
Check out the Reporting tab in Mission Control for Wireless reporting.
Great news — we’ve just expanded support for SIP Signaling to Canada.
Great news — Telnyx now has a suite of conferencing features that will make it easier than ever to embed feature-rich audio conferencing into your applications.
We’re happy to announce a new feature for managing your usage and billing information — Billing Groups, now available in the Mission Control Portal and Telnyx API. This new feature offers a better way to manage your customer sub-accounts, making it easy to add and manage billing groups to categorize usage reports and end-of-month invoice records.
Our new Web Dialer tool is powered by Telnyx’s own WebRTC product and enables you to make test calls directly from your browser. This provides an easy means of verifying that your phone number and connection are correctly configured.
Remote Call Recovery further strengthens our unique Telephony Engine. The Telnyx network can now sustain entire site failures without dropping a single call.
With a simple change to your existing code, you can leverage the Telnyx network for call routing — resulting in better call quality at significantly lower costs.
Telnyx now allows you to select the traffic type that best suits your usage: A2P or P2P.