Release notes

  • 3, Nov 2019

    Telnyx Portal's Web Dialer Tool | Telnyx Release Notes

    Our new Web Dialer tool is powered by Telnyx’s own WebRTC product and enables you to make test calls directly from your browser. This provides an easy means of verifying that your phone number and connection are correctly configured.

  • 29, Oct 2019

    Remote Call Recovery

    Remote Call Recovery further strengthens our unique Telephony Engine. The Telnyx network can now sustain entire site failures without dropping a single call.

  • 18, Oct 2019

    Terminate Calls with Telnyx: Easy & Cost-Effective

    With a simple change to your existing code, you can leverage the Telnyx network for call routing — resulting in better call quality at significantly lower costs.

  • 10, Oct 2019

    Select Telnyx Traffic Type: A2P or P2P

    Telnyx now allows you to select the traffic type that best suits your usage: A2P or P2P.

  • 10, Oct 2019

    Wireless Data Limits & API Tool | Telnyx Release Notes

    With your registered SIM, you can choose a variety of feature options within the portal to ensure that you’re taking advantage of Telnyx Wireless:

  • 8, Oct 2019

    TeXML Translator Now Available

    We’ve added a new feature to the Call Control API — TeXML Translator, designed to make it fast and easy for customers using an XML-based solution to switch to Telnyx.

  • 26, Sep 2019

    WebRTC JavaScript SDK

    With the release of this Javascript SDK, you can start to extend the dependability of our global VoIP network to your users’ browsers. Build your own WebRTC clients, powered by the Telnyx network, and start making and receiving crystal clear calls.

  • 13, Sep 2019

    Australia Mobile Voice & Messaging by Telnyx

    We’ve just launched two-way voice and SMS on Australian mobile numbers.

  • 9, Sep 2019

    Telnyx: UK Mobile Voice & Messaging Now Available

    We’ve launched Telnyx two-way voice and messaging for UK mobile numbers.

  • 28, Aug 2019

    Telnyx API v2: Simplified Messaging Schema

    We’ve streamlined our endpoints to make it easier for you to find what you need, faster.

  • 22, Aug 2019

    Launch of AMD Feature on Telnyx | Telnyx Release Notes

    We’re delighted to announce the launch of Telnyx Answering Machine Detection, now available with the programmable voice API — Call Control. Using Answering Machine Detection, you can deliver a better calling experience, at the same time gathering valuable data about how often your outbound calls are picked up by humans or machines.

  • 22, Aug 2019

    Telnyx: New SIP Subdomains for Calls

    With SIP Subdomains for inbound calls, you can now receive SIP calls made over the internet to your subdomain, and then route them to your connection.